The Blue Fairy of Union Square

Ok. Now, I will have to admit this is one of the more wacked things that I've seen in San Francisco. I was walking around Union Square and see this lady dressed up in blue as a fairy with a little wishing well begging for money. Wings and all. She talked in this fake high pitched English accent asking people to drop money into the well and make a wish. I dropped in some money into the well. She was trying to get me to tell her my wish but I wouldn't tell her. I was trying get the whole story out of her about the fairy thing. This totally fascinated me. Like maybe she needed some money... and like 2 in morning, she got some great ephany - "I can make a well out of a basket and dress up like a fairy to beg for money." "If you build it, they will come..." This just goes to show you that San Francisco people are seriously wacked in the head.

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