Here's today's lunch - one Sourdough Jack with Curly Fries and a large diet Coke.
A couple of years ago when I was in Seattle, I had my first experience of Jack In The Box. It's a truly west coast thing. I knew this girl from Hong Kong and she came to New York City to look for work after finishing up school in Hawaii. She walked all over Manhattan looking for a Jack In The Box. She couldn't understand why she couldn't find one. She just assumed that it was everywhere like McDonald's just because there's Jack In The Box in Hong Kong and Hawaii. I guess that's the west coast version of "the taste that you crave".
Everytime I'm out on the west coast, I try to make at least one pilgrimage to Jack In The Box and order a Sourdough Jack with Curly Fries and a drink. When I was in Hawaii for a friend's wedding, I made sure to pay a visit to Jack In The Box but unfortunately, I forgot to order the Curly Fries and got regular fries instead. That was truly disappointing. I'm never making that mistake again.

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